Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Using techniques of genetic engineering, scientists ...

Biologists have long known about the virus, which ignores human cells, but to attack and kill bacteria. Less than 1/40 the size of bacterial cells, bacteriophages (Greek for bacteria eaters), attach to the surface of bacterial and inject its DNA into the cell. There's DNA directs production of new viruses that eventually lead to rupture the cells, releasing about 4,000 new viruses that are eagerly looking for new bacteria to attack. Fighting disease phage difficult. On the one hand, you should have the right phage. Each type of bacteria is exposed to attack his clan against viruses, all exquisitely that corresponds to one host. In addition, you must clear the virus before use in the treatment to the last remnants of hosts make the patient sick. Despite these difficulties, the phages were used in Soviet Russia in the fight against bacterial diseases for 70 strattera price years. Russian doctors are bands with a cocktail of different phages against Staphylococcus aureus and other infections. They belong to a hospital staph infection intravenous phages, which specifically attacks

coughing up blood with pneumonia

Staphylococcus aureus. Inspired by an indication from the Russian experience, this approach might work, three different U.S. companies in the United States are fighting to be the first to receive approval of FDA, to thoroughly test fahovoy therapy. The key remaining issue, never appealed to Russians, that the immune system treats the patient as phage foreign body and tries to fix them. This reduces the time phage can act, and therefore tends to short circuit therapy. Using techniques of genetic engineering, scientists alter phage surface seem less alien to the human immune system. These genetically modified phages last a thousand times more. Perhaps the most important of all, Phages evolve just as bacteria do. The same forces that select for resistant bacteria also select for viruses that overcome this resistance. Finally we have a therapy with some real stamina in the fight against infectious diseases. .

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